Finding Common Ground with YSS

IMG_0451Mike Albrecht, abridged version

THE YOSEMITE-STANISLAUS SOLUTIONS (YSS) collaborative group is a highly diverse coalition of interests who share a common goal: restoring and maintaining healthy forests and watersheds, fire- safe communities, and sustainable local economies
using a science based approach.

Though originally founded to find common ground, tackling difficult resource management issues became its primary concern after a field trip in 2010.

For YSS, that field trip was pivotal in bringing the group together. Positive change happens when people get involved and focus on a desired outcome. YSS envisioned a healthy forest.
Though comprised of diverse stakeholders, the group realized that if they didn’t learn to work together that natural resources and the quality of life provided would be at risk.

Disagreement and stalemate were soon replaced with enthusiasm. Funding was secured from the Sierra Nevada Conservancy for a wide variety of projects, including: forest thinning, meadow restoration, as well as road and culvert repair.

When the Rim Fire hit, the group was catalyzed into action.  It was obvious that salvage logging, followed by reforestation needed to happen quickly. Despite the controversy surrounding the logging, YSS supported the U.S. Forest Service in moving the recovery process forward.